
Destructuring Assignment to Object Properties in JavaScript

TLDR; I was wondering whether it would be possible to use Destructuring Assignment to assign a value directly to a property of an Object. Somehow I was not able to find any info about this online, not even on the MDN pages. Turns out it is possible, see below.

I’m sure that by now we all know about destructuring assignment in JavaScript. The straight forward destructuring assignment of an Array looks like this:

// suppose we have the array:
const x = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// now we can assign values like this:
const [a] = x;        // a === 2
const [,b] = x;       // b === 3
const [,,c,]; // c === 4 && rest === [5, 6]

With Objects it’s also possible to use destructuring assignment:

// suppose we have the object
const y = {k: 42, l:96, m: 15, n: 16};

// assignment can be done like this
let {k} = y;                // k === 42
let {l: d} = y;             // d === 96
let {k, l: d,} = y; // k === 42 && d === 96 && rest === {m: 15, n: 16}

It’s even possible to use destructuring with function parameters:

// destructuring function parameters
function q({a, b}){
    console.log(a, b);

q({a: 3, b: 5}); // logs: 3 5

// destructuring with reassignment
function r({a: x, b: y}){
    console.log(x, y);

r({a: 33, b: 55}); // logs: 33 55

// with default values
function s({a = 3, b = 5, c = 7} = {}){
    console.log(a, b, c);

s();        // logs: 3 5 7
s({b: 42}); // logs: 3 42 7

// with default values, nested objects and reassignment
function t({a: x = 3, b: y = 5, some: {value: z = 'empty'}} = {}){
    console.log(x, y, z);

t({a: 6, some: {otherValue: 7}}); // logs: 6 5 "empty"

There are plenty more variants, like swapping values and using defaults. Most of them can be found in articles all over the internet, like for instance on MDN.

// swapping variables
let x = 16;
let y = 22;
[y, x] = [x, y]; // x === 22 && y === 16 

// using defaults
const x = [2, 3, 4];
const [,, a = 6, b = 8] = x; // a === 4 && b === 8

Assigning directly to an Object Property

One thing I don’t usually see anything written about though is assigning to a property of an object using destructuring assignment. I’m talking about something like this:

const x = [2, 3, 4];
const y = {z: 42};

// instead of doing this
y.z = x[1]; // y.z === 3

// we can write:
[,y.z] = x; // y.z === 3 👌 sweet!

Chrome stopped displaying apps in new tab after update

Yesterday chrome was updated to version 29. Usually I don’t even notice an update, but this time it was really apparent. When opening a new tab, now there is a search bar displayed with the most visited websites. I have no idea why anybody would come up with such a stupid idea. In fact, I got so irritated by it, that I decided to restore the old functionality of displaying apps in the new tab.

Here’s my Chrome extension that fixes the problem.
